1. Click the coin to increase your money by 1.
  2. When your money reaches 100, you can buy the lemonade stand, which will increase your money by 1 per second.
  3. Click the black arrow at the bottom to go to the next page of the shop. 
  4. There are 3 pages in the shop in total. 
  5. In the STATUS AREA you can see the amount of money, the amount of money you get per second  after buying the businesses in the shop and your status.
  6. The status is based on the amount of money you have.   

The types of status and their periods are:-

1) Penniless: 0 -100

2) Needy: 100 - 1000
3) Minimum wage: 1000 - 10000
4) Low income: 10000 - 50000
5) Middle class: 50000 - 100000
6) Well off: 100000 - 1500000
7) Upper class: 1500000- 3000000
8) Wealthy: 3000000 - 10000000
9)  Rich: 10000000 - 30000000
10) Filthy rich: 30000000 - 100000000
11) Super rich: 100000000 - 500000000
12) Cash tycoon: 500000000 - Infinity

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